Annotated Transcript
Below you will find my annotated transcript that lists all of the courses I participated in while completing the Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program through Michigan State University. All courses are listed in chronological order by the semester and year they were taken and are accompanied by a brief description of the class.
*** TE= Teacher Education *** CEP= Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Special Education***
Fall 2013
TE: 802 Reflection & Inquiry in Teaching Practice I
​Nicole Campbell
TE 802 was taken during my first semester as a teacher intern. This class focused on supporting my internship experience and taught me how to craft inquiry-based English language arts lessons. I partook in discussions and reflections on different literacy curriculums and instruction techniques. I also developed inquiry-based reading and writing lesson plans, used them in the classroom, and reflected on their effectiveness.
Spring 2014
TE: 803 Professional Roles & Teaching Practice II
Kristina Crandall
This course was also taken during my teaching internship, but occurred during my second semester. This course focused on thinking critically about the purposes and consequences of social studies education as well as learning about the standards used in each grade level. I built inquiry-based social studies lesson plans, used them in the classroom, and reflected on their effectiveness.
Spring 2014
TE: 804 Reflection & Inquiry in Teaching Practice II
Monica Hartman
This course was also taken during the second semester of my teaching internship. In TE 804 I worked on researching, collecting, and analyzing data regarding teaching and learning and educational policy. I built inquiry-based science lesson plans, used them in the classroom, and reflected on their effectiveness.
Fall 2017
CEP: 810 Teaching for Understanding with Technology
Mary Wever & Nicole Zumpano
This was an extremely fun course that pushed me outside of my comfort zone. I learned about the Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) theory. This theory explains how good teaching transpires when technology, pedagogy, and content come together and intersect. In this course I worked to integrate tools and web-based resources to teach myself something new. I spent time researching and learning how to change the oil in my car only using online resources. From this course I learned how to use these technological tools in the educational setting and make teaching and learning more effective.
Fall 2017
CEP: 811 Adapting Innovative Technologies to Education
Candice Marcotte & Melissa White
As teachers we are often given limited resources and are still expected to deliver top-notch education. In this course I learned about repurposing and finding ways to use the resources at my disposal to create the best learning experience possible for my students. I continued learning about the TPACK theory and how it can be applied in the classroom. I also designed learning experiences and learning spaces while keeping the TPACK theory in mind.
Spring 2018
CEP: 812 Applying Educational Technology to Issues of Practice
Douglas Frankish
To me, this was one of the most interesting courses as it looked at large challenges that face our educational system and trying to find the best solution possible. Part of this course required me to read a book called, A More Beautiful Question: The Power of Inquiry to Spark Breakthrough Ideas, and I highly recommend this book if you haven’t read it already. It discusses why questioning is so important and how we can use questioning to lead us to solutions to large problems. We discussed how technology plays a large role in how we find information and how it can help us solve difficult problems.
Summer 2018
CEP: 800 Psychology of Learning in School and Other Settings
Dr. Diana Brandon & Amit Sharma
In this course, I started off by creating my current theory of learning. Over the next few weeks of this course I learned about different psychological learning theories and what helps students to construct knowledge of the given grade level content. Near the end of the course I was able to reflect upon my theory of learning and adapt it based on the new information that I learned. I was also able to apply what I learned by writing a grant proposal that would allow me to build a learning environment that is conducive to all students’ learning needs.
Summer 2018
CEP: 822 Approaches to Educational Reseach
Swati Mehta
This day and age we are surrounded by information and we can access just about any information we need with a few simple clicks. In this course I learned about how to analyze sources and how to determine if a research can be redeemed reliable. I looked at many different studies and developed my own research proposal on the positives and negatives of competency-based learning.
Fall 2018
TE: 846 Accommodating Differences in Literacy Learners
Tracy Weippert
In this course, we concentrated on different reading and writing instructional practices and learning different methods to reach all learners. After I had learned about all of these practices and methods, I completed a case study where I used the instructional practices IÂ learned about in class and used them to teach one of my students. I then monitored her progress via multiple assessments to measure her growth. I was also able to see just how effective the teaching methods were.
Spring 2018
CEP: 807 Capstone in Educational Technology
Dr. Matthew Koehler & Aric Gaunt
This was the final course of my master career. In this course I focused reflecting on the work I have completed over the past few years and developed a website to act as a digital portfolio of my work. I took the work I completed over the last five years and combined it with my work in the classroom. The portfolio will serve as a tool for me to use in future job opportunities.